EGO is good or Bad

Having An Ego Is Good Or Bad

Many people say that having an ego is not a good thing, you should control your emotions and whatnot.

But let me tell the difference between good and bad ego.

Good ego:

Let me explain to you the good ego with an example.

There was a student named Samuel and he was an average student and he was happy with it. One day a friend of his who was a topper can and told him that you are an average student you will never earn too much. You will not be able to buy good things in the future and as I am the topper I will have everything I want in my life. You can achieve nothing you will just lead an average lifestyle.
One particular thing that hurt Samuel's ego was, "You will lead an average lifestyle" because Samuel always wanted to live in a lavish manner. He took his friend's words very seriously and started to work day and night. Then in the future, he became a successful businessman. Even now he is thankful to his friend for hurting his ego.
This situation explains to us of a good ego. Sometimes ego also lets us build a bright future, the thing that matters is how we handle our ego.

Bad ego:

I will give you an example of this.

There was a girl named Sarah and she belonged to a middle-class family and somehow she graduated and got a normal 9 to 5 job. she had a friend named Lily and she belonged to a royal family and maybe due to lack of upbringing, she never knew how to behave with people. One fine day both the friends met at the parking area of a well-known mall. Both greeted each other but then Lily noticed Sarah's bag and the bag contained only one top of a normal brand and Lily herself had purchased 5 bags of clothes from a well-known brand. She started insulting Sarah that she had bought cheap clothing and may rude things. Obviously, these words hurt a lot but then Sarah took it very seriously and she started spending all her money only on purchasing branded clothes and she was getting broke every single day for not getting enough money to lead a life. But then Lily had a wonderful life still.
The moral of this example is having a bad ego.
If Sarah would have ignored her insulting words then she could have saved a lot of money for the future, she took her words of ego and started spending her money only on clothes and she was broke.

I just wanted to convey to you all that every single person has an ego about everything but which ego he/she takes personally is what matters at the end. We should see the depth of the river and then only jump into it or else we will be drowning in it.

We should think wisely and let or ego manage or emotions and we give a command to it like which ego is good for us.

So look before you leap buddies. Ego can uplift you or also can bring you down.

All The Best !!


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